
Engaging with WhiteHat pros will provide your business with crucial information security consultation and services that are needed to protect your information assets in today’s complex information technology age.

It is important that all risks are addressed and reviewed by a top information security team. An ongoing relationship provides a cull comprehensive risk assessment that can be used to drive budgetary needs as well as creates focus on the risks that matter.

We will provide a fully independent view of contracts, information technology relationships and give you the peace of mind that the service providers that you place your faith and trust in are fulfilling their tasks and work within the framework of your information security program and regulatory requirements.

WhiteHat Pros will provide meaningful and thoroughly vetted reports from the results of the numerous tests that we perform onsite and externally. Our goal is to provide a report that details findings and methods to resolve those findings. It is important that you are able to;

  • Verify that any external service providers are providing the proper services within an acceptable information security framework. This verification will also document adherence to the information security program and policy.
  • Provide meaningful interrogated reports that provide guidance and are not just result reports from scanning tools.
  • Lastly, provide accurate and meaningful guidance and overview of the enter information security program and technology infrastructure. We will explain and explore ‘big picture’ issues and not just a laundry list of items. An example would be a listing of missing patches for servers and workstations. The problem cannot be solved by applying patches but a more in depth look a the patch management process and program will be necessary to resolve.