INFOSec as a Service

Our eCISO service provides independent consulting and membership to your team that will provide the following;

  • Certified and experienced Information Security Services​
  • Becomes part of the management staff to direct the Information Security Program​
  • Annual Information Security program report as required by guidelines​
  • BCP/DR, Risk Assessment, Policy guidance​
  • Independent penetration testing and vulnerability testing (annual and updates) as required by FFIEC guidelines​
  • Provides full Chief Information Security Officer services to all sizes of businesses​
  • Vendor management, internet security and presence consulting and management, firewall management and audit​
  • Fully independent – no network user security access and no network management​
  • HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, HITECH compliance​
  • Continual engagement (annual and multi year relationships provide program continuity)
  • Annual Business Custom Information Security Training and testing​
  • Social Engineering testing, Staff training and testing ​
  • Strengths – credentials​
  • CISSP, A+, Network+, GSEC, GSNA, Project+, LPI – Linux, CIW Web Specialist, ITIL​
  • Relationship management and guidance ​
  • Data security management (electronic and physical)​
  • Project management information security risk assessment
  • Enterprise risk assessment document and report – this is an ever changing living document that provides comprehensive reviews of risk